Hoobastank — If I were you

You seem to find the dark when everything is bright.

You look for all that's wrong instead of all that's right.

Does it feel good to you to rain on my parade?

You never say a word unless it's to complain.

It's driving me insane...

If I were you, holding the world right in my hands,

The first thing I'd do is thank the stars for all that I have.

If I were you


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If I were you, holding the world right in my hands,

The first thing I'd do, is thank the stars above,

For the ones I love,

Take a breath and enjoy the view.

Я бы поблагодарил, но я этого заслуживаю.

I wanted to be just like you

So perfect, so untouchable

Now you want me to be with you

Someone who used to have it all

Do you remember now

You acted like you never noticed me?

Forget it

Cause the gone has come around

You're not allowed to be a part of me.

Бывают услуги настолько бесценные, что отплатить за них можно только неблагодарностью.

— Слушайте, мэм, если вы разберетесь с задержанными и освободите мне клетки — я вас расцелую с головы до ног!

— Ловлю тебя на слове, Пит! Джои, ты его слышала? Поработай.

Услышал Алёшка, как Шухов вслух Бога похвалил, и обернулся.

— Ведь вот, Иван Денисович, душа-то ваша просится Богу молиться. Почему ж вы ей воли не даёте, а?

— Потому, Алёшка, что молитвы те, как заявления, или не доходят или «в жалобе отказать».

I stand here face to face

With someone that I used to know ,

He used to look at me and laugh.

But now he claims

That he's known me for so very long,

But I remember being no one.


Did you know me?

Or were you too preoccupied

With playing king in your small kingdom?

And now the real world

Has stripped you of your royalty

And from your kingdom you're evicted.

— Я сильнее тебя, я никогда не жалуюсь.

— Жалуешься, когда рожаешь... А рожаешь ты постоянно!