The Hardkiss

Life is a race and only love wins.

In emptiness you are giving me wings.

Love is a joy.

Love is a pain.

Love is a girl under the rain.

Under the sun we found the diamonds and some gold.

We found the treasure,

But we've sold it for some love.

Is it enough?

Deny the things that you possess,

To get the real happiness.

Deep at night

We found the bright place

Where people lived with shining eyes

And we asked:

Where can we get some happiness

And they said:

All the things that you want are right here next to you

Ти дзвониш вночі і мовчиш не про мене

Знаєш, даремно, я все давно відчула

П'ю мед із вином

Бережу ті останні сили тіла

Бо твоя любов тягне нас на дно.

Ты звонишь мне по ночам и молчишь не обо мне.

Знаешь, напрасно, я ощутила все давно.

Пью мед в вине,

Берегу последние силы тела,

Ведь твоя любовь тянет нас на дно.

Just once

Never again

Our story began.

I am so grateful for tenderness.

Give it to me till the whole world ends.

Black heart is deaf and tough

And every time I cried my soul kept little trust,

Somebody strong enough is watching from above

Illuminating us.

Long ago wisemen were walking through a desert over there.

They were running away from this world.

The eyes the colour of the nuts,

The colour of the blood,

The colour of the ignorance

And love

Who cares about love?

They don't need at all her

Innocence and her romance.

Knocking at doors and windows,

Hiding in silky pillows,

They're coming through the years,

You should just hold me tightly,

You should be close and quietly

Protect me from my fears!

Only once

People and their Gods are too close.

Only once

Little madness's done.

They're never gonna let you down

While you're walking your way up.

And someday your haters gonna follow you

Instead of treating you like shit.