Думаешь, у крыс нет сердца? Ошибаешься. Сердце имеется у любой живой твари. И любое сердце можно разбить.
разбитое сердце
А я дурак любил тебя одну,
За это ты меня ко дну, ко дну!
Жизнь тракториста искалечена,
И раны сердца не залечены.
A broken heart that just wan't mend
Is the price you pay
It's hard to take when love grows old
The days are long and the nights turn cold
When it fades away
You hope that she will change your mind
But the days drift on and on
You'll never know the reason why she's gone.
They say a broken heart
can always mend.
Time is the healer and sadness will end.
But I've done so much crying,
when will I laugh again?
Till that day I will play the blues.
Old at heart but I'm only 28
And I'm much too young to let love break my heart
Young at heart but it's getting much too late
To find ourselves so far apart.
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