Skillet — Circus For A Psycho

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All the strength that I have, all the life that's left in me

I will give every breath to be everything I can be

Who's gonna fight for what's right

Who's gonna help us survive,

We're in the fight of our lives

And we're not ready to die!

No, you'll never be alone.

When darkness comes I'll light the night with stars,

Hear my whispers in the dark.

I won't let you say goodbye

And I'll be your reason why

The last night away from me

Away from me

You come to me with your scars on your wrist

You tell me this will be the last night feeling like this

I just came to say goodbye

I didn't want you to see me cry, I'm fine

But I know it's a lie

I gotta fight today,

To live another day.

Speaking my mind today

My voice will be heard today.

How can I tell you just all that you are

What you do to me

You're better than drugs

Your love is like wine

Feel you comin' on so fast

Feel you comin' to get me high

Unite and fight

To make a better life!