Billie Eilish — Bored

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I had a dream

I got everything I wanted

But when I wake up, I see

You with me.


And you say, "As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you

Don't wanna lie here, but you can learn to

If I could change the way that you see yourself

You wouldn't wonder why you're here, they don't deserve you.

Baby, won't you take it back?

Say you were tryna make me laugh

And nothing has to change today

You didn't mean to say "I love you"

I love you and I don't want to, ooh

The smile that you gave me

Even when you felt like dying.

What makes you sure you're all I need?

Forget about it.

I should have known

I'd leave alone

Just goes to show

That the blood you bleed

Is just the blood you owe.

We were a pair

But I saw you there

Too much to bear

You were my life, but life is far away from fair

Was I stupid to love you?

Taste me, the salty tears on my cheek

That's what a year-long headache does to you

I'm not okay, I feel so scattered.

Giving you all you want and more

Giving you every piece of me

But I will never can afford,

I just want you to love for free.

Нас в набитых трамваях болтает,

Нас мотает одна маета,

Нас метро, то и дело, глотает,

Выпуская из дымного рта.

В шумных улицах, в белом порханьи

Люди ходим мы рядом с людьми,

Перемешаны наши дыханья,

Перепутаны наши следы, перепутаны наши следы.

Из карманов мы курево тянем,

Популярные песни мычим,

Задевая друг друга локтями,

Извиняемся или молчим.

По Садовым, Лебяжьим и Трубным

Каждый вроде отдельным путём,

Мы не узнанные друг другом,

Задевая друг друга идём.

Юность была из чёрно-белых полос,

Я, вот только белых не вспомнил.

Я бы умер во сне, без снов о тебе.

Мы привязались друг к другу, мы нужны друг другу – два случайных одиночества.