There's a space left in hell with your name on the seat
With a spike in the chair just to make it complete.
There's a space left in hell with your name on the seat
With a spike in the chair just to make it complete.
Can't believe you were once just like anyone else,
Then you grew and became like the devil himself.
Pray to God I can think of a kind thing to say,
But I don't think I can,
So fuck you anyway.
When you look at yourself do you see what I see?
If you do why the fuck are you looking at me?!
Смотри же и глазам своим не верь -
На небе затаился черный зверь.
В глазах его я чувствую беду.
Не знал и не узнаю никогда,
Зачем ему нужна твоя душа, -
Она гореть не сможет и в аду.