Teen Love

They programmed «arguments» into their «relationship»

To make their lives seem «meaningful».

They programmed «arguments» into their «relationship»

To make their lives seem «meaningful».

He had a stylized speech pattern

She used all the newest slang.

When they talked on the telephone

They had troubled generating conversation stimulus.

They met during social interaction in Algebra class.

She was expressionless at first, but then «smiled» to indicate submission.

He rearranged his facial features to appear «friendly».

After determining that their popularity status was comparable

They decided that a «relationship» would be mutually beneficial

They were careful to be seen together

In all the local fast-food franchises.

They were careful to exhibit only behaviour

Which had been approved by their peer group.

He had programmed his «personality»

To conform to adolescent trends

She had synthesized her «emotions»

Based on accepted teen sex-role characteristics.

They had copied all aspects of their behavior

From what they had observed in society.