
She's the cream of the cropm,

She's the cropper of the cream.

She's the time of your life, one in a million.

Walking around with the share of a queen,

She doesn't know what she wants,

Knows how to use you now!

This is the way you left me.

I'm not pretending.

No hope, no love, no glory,

No happy ending.

This is the way that we love,

Like its forever.

Then live the rest of our life,

But not together.

This is the way you left me.

I'm not pretending.

No hope, no love, no glory,

No happy ending.

This is the way that we love,

Like its forever.

Then live the rest of our life,

But not together.

Life could be simple but you never fail

To complicate it every single time.

You could have children and a wife, a perfect little life,

But you blow it on a bottle of wine.

We are young

We are strong

We're not looking for where we belong

We're not cool

We are free

And we're running with blood on our knees

Это действительно необходимо

Каждый день

Всеми возможными способами

Делать меня все более заурядным?

Мои заурядное сознание рушится...

Это сделала ты, даже не заметив.

Пытаясь быть заурядным,

Кто вел себя глупо?

Думала, ты нашла мужчину мечты,

А потом превратила его нечто совершенно иное.


There is an answer to the darkest times.

It’s clear we don’t understand but the last thing on my mind

Is to leave you.

I believe that we’re in this together.

Don’t scream – there are so many roads left!

Relax, take it easy!

For there is nothing that we can do.

Relax, take it easy!

Blame it on me or blame it on you.