Другие цитаты по теме

I'm so tired of this fake love, fake love.

I'm sorry, but this love is fake, fake, fake.

Why you sad? I don’t know. I don’t know.

Smile, say «I love you».

Look at me, even I gave up on myself.

Even you can’t understand me.

I grew a flower that can’t be bloomed in a dream that can’t come true.

Пробовал лепетать перед зеркалом: «Кто ты, чёрт возьми?»

Love it’s so mad, love it’s so mad.

Try to erase myself and make me your doll.

Love you so bad, love you so bad.

I wish all my weaknesses could be hidden.

People say, there’s splendor in that bright light but my growing shadow swallows me and becomes a monster.

We must believe only in ourselves,

Can't let go of each other’s hands

We need to be together forever.

Don't be trapped in someone else's dream.