You’re just like a Butterfly,
From afar, I steal glances.
If we touch hands, will I lose you?..
You’re just like a Butterfly,
From afar, I steal glances.
If we touch hands, will I lose you?..
Don't think of anything,
Don't say anything, not even a word,
Just give me a smile.
I still can’t believe it
All of this seems like a dream.
Don’t try to disappear.
We must believe only in ourselves,
Can't let go of each other’s hands
We need to be together forever.
Whether this is a dream or reality, it's not important,
Just the fact that you’re by my side
If someone could turn time back
Maybe I could’ve become more honest?
With my bare face that only I know of
With my long-time friends inside that are ugly and miserable?
Would you have still put on that smile?
Со мной всё в порядке, я пережил всю боль в одиночку, без тебя.
Со мной всё хорошо, не переживай, я могу снова смеяться, слыша твой голос.
Со мной всё в порядке, с тобой всё хорошо, наши обиды и печали далеко в прошлом.
These words that are easily said towards me quickly becomes a wall,
Even loneliness turns into something you can see.