If you push me, I’ll fall, just raise me up again
Even if I pull, you don’t have to come.
Let them be them,
Let us be us.
Love is a maze damn,
But you is amaze yeah.
If you push me, I’ll fall, just raise me up again
Even if I pull, you don’t have to come.
Let them be them,
Let us be us.
Love is a maze damn,
But you is amaze yeah.
We must believe only in ourselves,
Can't let go of each other’s hands
We need to be together forever.
Know this, sometimes lies will try to tear us apart
Hardships will try to deceive us but
Just focus on me then.
In the darkness, just the two of us is enough, in all these lies.
If we’re together, even an endless maze is paradise.
We must believe only in ourselves,
Can't let go of each other’s hands
We need to be together forever.
Все ангелы, знающие боль, летающие на поврежденных крыльях сквозь ночь.
Каждый раз, когда я думаю о любви, каждый раз, когда я думаю о любви,
Я не хочу слушать веселые песни, я буду стоять перед мои одиночество, окрашивая свою жизнь.
Теряю и получаю взамен, но я все еще ищу что-то.
It's alright to stop
You don’t need to run without knowing why.
It's alright to not have any dreams
If you have moments where you can feel happiness.