MIC Drop

There’s no need to meet again, this is final goodbye

There’s nothing to say, don’t even apologize.

There’s no need to meet again, this is final goodbye.

There’s nothing to say, don’t even apologize.

I do it I do it you are a tasteless ratatouille

If you’re jealous, then sue me

Sue it.

Yeah who says my spoon is dirty

I don’t care I grab the mic,

I got several golden spoons.

Haters gon' hate,

Players gon' play.

Live a life man.

Good luck!

Возможно, вы ждёте, что мы провалимся,

Но извиняйте, я в порядке.

Прости меня, Billboard,

Да и вообще, извини меня, мир,

Прости, что твой сын такой успешный

И исполняет сыновний долг,

На который ты наплевал.

It probably seemed like we were gonna fail, I’m fine, sorry,

Sorry Billboard.

Sorry worldwide

I’m sorry your son is too successful

Fulfill the fillial duty that you didn't do.