Другие цитаты по теме

The people of the world have turned their backs against me,

The corners of their eyes are all twisted up,

The greatest pain to me, is the fact that you became the same as them...

They say love is good, friendship is good,

But be warned, the back of your head might be in pain!

It's hard for me to be sober. I hate being sober.

My heart can race even after time passes.

Без тебя моя жизнь как каторга.

Мир без тебя словно угасает.

Ты как заболевание,

Никак моё сердце не покинешь.

The more time passes, the more you get to know me,

only disappointments will remain but.

Because I have no regrets from loving you,

So only take the good memories.

I'm sorry... but I can't change.

Не думай, как поступить правильней,

Действуй, как тебе сердце велит.